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prince edward bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "prince edward"
  • His elder brother Edward inherited his father's title.
    Prince Edward lalu mewarisi gelar-gelar ayahnya.
  • The Prince Edward area occupies the northern part of Mong Kok.
    Wilayah Prince Edward meliputi bagian utara Mong Kok.
  • Prince Edward, we need help!
    Prince Edward, kita butuh bantuan!
  • Game Prince Edward Online. Play free game Prince Edward online.
    © gratis online game Prince Edward ().
  • 434 CA New Brunswick ATS77 Stereographic coordinates
    436 CA Prince Edward Isl. ATS77 Stereographic Koord.
  • New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island are also known as the Maritime Provinces.
    Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, dan Prince Edward Island juga dikenal sebagai Provinsi-provinsi Maritim.
  • The smallest subdivision of both land and water area is the province of Prince Edward Island.
    Sedangkan pembagian administratif terkecil baik untuk wilayah daratan maupun perairan adalah Pulau Prince Edward.
  • The title character is based on the real-life Lydia Dingwell (1852–1931), of Dingwells Mills, Prince Edward Island.
    Karakter utamanya berdasarkan pada tokoh nyata Lydia Dingwell (1852–1931), dari Dingwells Mills, Prince Edward Island.
  • Instead, du Fresne discovered first the Prince Edward Islands and then the Crozet Islands before sailing towards New Zealand and Australia.
    Ia juga menemukan kepulauan Prince Edward dan kepulauan Crozet sebelum berlayar ke Australia.
  • Northern red oak is the provincial tree of Prince Edward Island and the state tree of New Jersey.
    Utara oak merah adalah pohon provinsi Prince Edward Island dan pohon negara bagian New Jersey.
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